Top 10 Industrial Automation Companies in Singapore

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Top 10 Industrial Automation Companies in Singapore

Increased labour costs, low-skilled workers, and the need for proficient productivity directly affect Singapore’s demand for industrial automation companies in Singapore. As we know, industrial automation plays a crucial role in today’s generation. Most of the work is done by automation in the industry because it increases productivity and the quality of the product. Below, we will discuss the Top 10 industrial automation companies in Singapore.

  • 385. The market value of industrial automation in Singapore is 385.1 million (2023).
  • USD 681 million is projected from 2030.

With the advancement of technology in Singapore, the industrial automation has flourished and nowadays many industries offer this type of automation. In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 industrial automation companies in Singapore.

Significance of industrial automation in Singapore

Industrial automation refers to the use of machines for production and other industry activities to increase productivity and save time.
Singapore is one of the most advanced cities and continuously adopting automation technologies, and multiple automation companies are working in Singapore. Industrial automation plays a very crucial role in the market as there are multiple factors including:-

  • Increase productivity

Industrial automation helps in increasing productivity, as we know machines are much faster than humans, so they automatically increase the productivity. The work that humans do in 10 hours, while machines do that work in 5 hours.

  • Improve consistency

Automation improves in consistency. As we see when humans manufacture a product, then it is a little different in every product because of the hand, but when machines make that product, then it is consistent than human-made.

  • Reduce errors

As we know, human can make errors in their work, either calculating, manufacturing, packaging, but when we talk about automation, then automation can’t make any mistake because of its high approach. They do their work effectively and reduce errors.

  • Time saving

Industrial automation is time-saving because of its effective features. They do not gossip or waste their time with each other, they just focus on their work and quickly complete their work effectively.

  • Cost effectiveness

As we know, wages of workers are increasing day by day, and we have to spend other expenses on them, but automation is a one-time investment and works without any extra expenses. That’s why automation is more effective than workers.


List of Top 10 Industrial Automation Companies in Singapore

In Singapore, multiple industrial automation companies are working very proficiently, but we will discuss only the Top 10 industrial automation companies in Singapore.

  1. Unseen Era
  2. IJOOZ
  3. Best labs Singapore pvt ltd.
  4. FJ Dynamics
  5. Six sense
  6. Hash micro
  7. Invon tech infosoft
  8. Honeywell
  9. JR Automation
  10. CSE Global

Unseen Era

Unseen era is one of the leading industrial automation companies providing products and services in Singapore. We mainly deal with multiple industries including: pharmaceuticals, chemicals, FMCG, foods & beverages, cosmetics, and other industries. We have been working for 15 years in the industry and have 550+ trusted customers. Unseen era sells a wide range of automation products, which enhance the overall production of any industry.
Products we serve:

  • Industrial sensors
  • Safety products
  • Wireless products
  • Tower lights
  • Work & inspection lights

We also deal with vision systems:-

  • Industrial printing
  • GigE & USB vision camera
  • Smart machine vision sensor
  • Barcode scanner & reader
  • Customised vision solution
  • Vision lights
  • Camera lenses

These are our major products, but the list does not end here, we have a wide range of products in industrial automation.
Appealing features of Unseen Era
Unseen Era has multiple features:-

  • Transparent work
  • Customer oriented approach
  • Top grade quality
  • Advanced customer support
  • Innovative products
  • 100% guarantee

Get in touch with Unseen Era
If you want to buy any type of engineering and automation products, just get in touch with us:-
Contact: +91 72068-65596, +971-52-2697872



IJOOZ deals with robotics, machine vision, and AIOT in Singapore. They transform the vending machines with innovations and technology. IJOOZ work on both software and hardware. They have 10 years of experience and their main automation is a vending machine of juice.
Features included:-

  • Cost effective automation
  • Innovative products
  • High quality
  • Good customer support

Contact: +65-87789916

Bestlabs singapore pte ltd.

Bestlabs singapore pte ltd. Deals with calibration needs and that works for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, oil, foods, energy, manufacturing, construction, and transport, and other industries.
Attractive features:

  • Project management
  • Customer support
  • Good quality tools
  • Advance innovation

Contact: +65 6914 7777

FJ Dynamics

FJ Dynamics is one of the robotics companies of industrial automation, which deals with high-quality products at reasonable prices. They have 10 global offices and 1500+ associates worldwide. They mainly deal with 4 categories of products- precision agriculture, landscaping, Geospatial, and digital construction.
Appealing features:

  • Robotic product
  • Top grade quality
  • High advanced customer support

Contact: +65 80049 22588

Six Sense automation

Sixsense automation mainly deals with different types of automation panels- control panels, power panel, PCC panel, MCC Panel, VFD Panel, APFC Panel, and many more. They have been working for 10 years in the automation industry and are continuously growing.

  • Heavy structure products
  • Advance machinery
  • High quality raw material

Contact: 08042 754538


Hashmicro is one of the best ERP system software companies in Singapore and trusted by 2000+ customers. They provide the best automation solutions like CRM, ERP, inventory, HRM, procurement, accounting, and many more.
Features included:

  • Best business practice
  • Unlimited users
  • Innovation
  • Expert team

Contact: +65 60186387, +65 9085 8301

Invontec infosoft

Invontech Infosoft is a software engineering company that deals with software like CRM, HRM, ERP, and many more. They have completed 20= companies project and provide 10+ services.
Features included:

  • Customization Advanced customer support
  • Best Softwares provider



Honeywell mainly works for the digital experience at aircraft operations and the business jet of sports teams. They made air travel successful with their access controls, sensors, fire life safety, building management, and electric & wiring.

  • Actively innovation
  • Efficient customer support
  • Cost effective

Contact: 00 1480-353-3020

JR Automation

JR Automation is a global industry automation company located in Singapore. They manufacture automation machines and distribute them in multiple industries. They offer various services, financing, lifecycle management, engineering services, and lifecycle management.

  • End-to-end support
  • Advance machinery
  • High quality

Contact: 833 800 7630

CSE Global

CSE Global is a startup company of automation, but continuously growing, and deals with automation, communication, and electrification. Their technology is designed to reduce waste and is a cost-effective solution. They are an advanced, innovative company.

  • Customer approach
  • Startup
  • Growing innovation

Contact: +65 6512 0333

Wrapping up

As we have discussed the top listed industrial automation companies in Singapore and  importance of industry automation, with that we can say that industry automation also reduces the workload of the workers and also industries get consistency in their products. Automation is the key to increasing productivity without increasing costs. Unseen Era is one of the companies that is on the top due to their innovation and good quality products.

FAQ’s for Top Industrial Automation Companies in Singapore

Q.1 What are the goals of industry automation?

Answer: The main goals of industrial automation companies are: increase productivity, cost saving, consistency, and time saving.

Q.2 What are the levels of industrial automation?

Answer: Industrial automation has 5 levels:-

0 (manual control)
1 (Basic automation)
2 (advanced automation)
3 (integrated automation)
4 (intelligent automation)

Q.3 What are the types of industrial automation?

Answer: There are four types of industrial automation-
Fixed automation
Programmable automation
Flexible automation
Integrated automation

Q.4 What are the major partners of Unseen Era?

Answer: Unseen Era has many partners furthermore discuss about some major ones are:-
Asian paint
Johnson-Johnson etc.


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